Alberto Hijano Mendizabal


Centro de Física de Materiales

Title of work

Anomalous Andreev interferometer: Study of an anomalous Josephson junction coupled to a normal wire


Josephson junctions (JJs), where both time-reversal and inversion symmetry are broken,  exhibit a phase shift $\phi_0$ in their current-phase relation. This allows for an anomalous supercurrent to flow in the junction even in the absence of a phase bias between the superconductors.  We show that a finite phase shift also manifests in the so-called Andreev interferometers - a device that consists of a mesoscopic conductor coupled to the $\phi_0$-junction. Due to the proximity effect, the resistance of this conductor is phase-sensitive - it oscillates by varying the phase of the JJ. As a result, the quasiparticle current $I_{\mathrm{qp}}$ flowing through the conductor has an anomalous component, which exists only at finite $\phi_0$. Thus,  the Andreev interferometry could be used to probe the $\phi_0$ effect.

We consider two realizations of the $\phi_0$-junction and calculate $I_{\mathrm{qp}}$ in the interferometer: a superconducting structure with spin-orbit coupling and a system of spin-split superconductors with spin-polarized tunneling barriers.