Jordi Picó Cortés


University of Regensburg

Title of work
Non-equilibrium transport in Josephson junctions through interacting nanostructures

Studying transport through interacting nanostructures is challenging due to the interplay between strong interactions and the coupling to large thermalized leads. In the case of superconducting leads, this is further complicated by a number of features particular to Josephson junctions, chiefly the effect of Cooper pairs and the resulting anomalous transport. In this work [3], we develop a diagrammatic approach to transport through weakly coupled Josephson junctions [1,2] which treats the interaction inside the dot exactly and employ it to describe the quasiparticle and Josephson currents under DC and AC voltages. The dynamics of Cooper pairs out of equilibrium are described in a particle-conserving formalism, which avoids issues arising from the usual BCS treatment, allowing us to extend the description of electron pairing inside the dot and its effect on the current response.
[1] S. Pfaller, A. Donarini, and M. Grifoni, Physical Review B 87, 155439 (2013).
[2] M. Governale, M.G. Pala and J. König, Physical Review B 77, 134513 (2008).
[3] J Siegl, J Picó-Cortés, M Grifoni, arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.13936